Success has a different meaning from person to person. For poor people managing 2 square meals a day is a success and for some rich people earning million in a day is a victory. So today, in this article, we will see the real meaning of success and what is success to you?
We learn different ideas of success from our parents, teachers, and peers during our childhood and early adulthood. Everyone has a different plan and vision of who and what we should be. Although it’s fine to respect other people’s perspectives and dreams, we shouldn’t accept them as our own. No one has the authority to enforce their definition of success on us. Nobody can define what it means to live a happy life.
It’s all too tempting to conclude that success entails acquiring a particular object, such as a job or social status, and that if we achieve that object, we’ll be successful. However, some of the most significant achievements have come as a result of the most heinous failures. “Success is not final; failure is not fatal,” Winston Churchill said. It is the will to keep going that counts.”
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Today, success is defined by how much money one has or how much hold one has over society. Everyone wants money, fame, power, and a thousand other things. There is one desire after another, and nobody is ever delighted.
What success isn’t?

If you spend a moment looking around, you will realize how many people have a minimal concept of success. They believe it is all about accumulating money, finding the ideal relationship, starting a multibillion-dollar company, or amassing a large social media following. And they often associate famous people with their success.
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None of these objects or people is inherently wrong, but imitating them does not guarantee success. Many people have fought and worked their way to the top, only to be unhappy and burnt out once they arrive. They’re dissatisfied because they followed the incorrect concept of success—one that didn’t align with their ideals.
What is success?

Success differs from person to person. Everyone has a set of goals and achievements and secret desires that they are too scared to pursue. According to society, they are impractical and won’t be helpful in the future, or a person won’t build a lot using that. People fail to realize that the most significant success is being happy, for there are not many happy people nowadays. Everyone is disappointed, dissatisfied, or running after something or the other.
It’s not necessary that only money and big houses and power can bring you success.
Some people find that helping others gives them the most pleasure, and therefore success seems to be a life lived for the benefit of others. Some people know that creating a company or a product gives them joy and some people tend to be alone, while others prefer to be active all of the time.
What makes you happy isn’t necessarily supposed to be someone else’s definition of happiness, and that is okay. We will become dissatisfied, depressed, and eventually feel profoundly inadequate if we struggle to define success for ourselves and instead attempt to follow someone else’s course.
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The main question isn’t “what you want”; the question is “what makes you happy,” which everyone needs to ask themselves to be truly successful.
Everyone needs to introspect themselves and see where they are standing today and where they need to build themselves up, and the points and things they need to work upon.
Meditation in this way is a great way to reflect upon yourself and introspect yourself. You connect with yourself and realize what you truly need. You can also read some success motivational quotes.
How to know what Success means to you?
Tony Robbins says, “The path to success is to take massive, determined action.”
Please take a moment to think about it. Close your eyes for a moment. Consider how you would like your life to turn out.
Consider what it would look like if:
- You’re at the top of your game.
- You exemplify the qualities you value.
- You’ve achieved everything you set out to do.
After doing this, write down what you see. Then ask yourself questions like, “Is this what matters to you?”
“Do these enhance your skills or make you a better person than today?” “Are these more important than any other things?” “Is this what brings you happiness?”
“Have you achieved any of these things?” “Are you on a path to achieve any of these things?”
There are often when what you imagine is entirely different from what you are doing. Success is having the courage and moving towards these goals and aspirations.
Pursuing flimsy goals or someone else’s dream can only get you farther away from success.
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Choose your path. Choose whatever gives you pride and happiness and choose yourself over anyone else’s definition of success. It is never too late to start. Choose your joy over pleasing someone else.
Bruce Lee said, “Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself; do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it.”