Motivation plays a vital role in everyone’s life but plays an even more critical role in a student’s life. Students face challenges every single day in their life. In today’s busy life, students don’t get time for themselves. So in this article, we will see what motivation is and the importance of Motivation for Students.
What is Motivation?
As the name suggests, motivation means “to move,” something that moves us to do better. It’s hard for students or anyone to stay motivated sometimes, especially in times like these when the entire world is facing a global pandemic, and we are cooped up in homes, hearing about these grim situations every day. Motivation is essential for students to remain focused, to learn, to perform better.
Importance of Motivation for Students
Motivation is, first and foremost, an attitude toward learning. As a result, it influences whether a student will give up or persevere and how thoughtfully they will focus on their learning. The more deeply a student is motivated to pursue an activity, the less likely they can consider simple responses to complicated questions. In a nutshell, intrinsic motivation promotes the development of strong and resilient individuals.
Motivation overall helps develop the ability of critical thinking among the students.
When students are engrossed in a task, they become more focused and don’t give up. They become resilient and conscious. Students tend always to have the attitude of never giving up. They take every criticism as constructive criticism and are always ready to work on themselves—for example, a low grade.
A motivated student often tends to get back and work on it again till they achieve what they aim. If you want motivation for exam then you can read exam motivational quotes. It is a proven fact that reading quotes helps to stay motivated.
Motivated students are not driven by fear of failure. They believe in working hard in the present to achieve something in the future.
How can Motivation be Cultivated?
1. Rewards

Rewards are often known to be a great way to motivate students. If the student knows that at the end of the work assigned, they will get a reward; they tend to get highly motivated to achieve the reward and focus all their energy and power on it. This makes a student determined to achieve their goal, knowing they will have a good end outcome.
However, while using such concepts, some things should be kept in mind. Tangible incentives are often ineffective, and the more external the reward, the less intrinsically beneficial the behavior is to the student. Even if students perform an activity for the intrinsic value they see in it and are rewarded unexpectedly; they later view their motivator negatively.
2. Encourage Self-Confidence

Students who are paralyzed by a lack of academic self-confidence will find it difficult to motivate themselves. Optimal difficulties improve a person’s sense of competence. Tasks are also known as “just right” challenges because they are challenging enough to be just above the student’s current ability to function independently while still being simple enough for the student to follow along. Teachers are great people to help the students cultivate self-confidence.
Read More: Motivational Quotes For Teachers
3. Struggle needs to be normalized

Students need to know that hard work is not directly proportional to success. Sometimes even if you work hard, you can get failure. Failure does not mean one should stop working but instead, that’s when motivation helps. Motivated students don’t fear failure. They bounce back. They get right back up and again follow their paths to achieve their dreams.
This is why struggles need to be normalized. Every good thing has some struggle, and students need to know that you don’t get everything quickly. You need to struggle to achieve your dream.
4. Minimise the Competition

Students often feel that they have to compete to achieve success and unless you don’t come first, you are not a successful student. Coming first and getting more grades than someone is not the only way to be successful.
Often students who are not good in studies feel that they have to compete with the student at the top, and since they can’t get scores as high as them, they feel there is no use even to try. Thus, making a student lose confidence in themselves.
The main focus should be doing better than the last time, doing better than before. The competition should be your self if you could top yourself and be the best version of yourself. This helps students remain motivated and not compare themselves to others and feel unworthy or pressured by the constant weight of feeling that they need to beat someone’s score to gain success.
Read More: Motivational Quotes By Vivekananda
5. Make a Peaceful Environment

Despite the common belief that fidgeting or listening to music will help students concentrate, brains require silence or ambient noise to remain engaged. Students who are constantly interrupted will never be able to reach this level of highly motivated thinking. Higher-level brain functions such as creativity and critical thinking are inextricably linked to a state of flow, so constantly interrupted students will never be able to reach this level of highly motivated thinking.
That’s all for today. Hope you like article on “Importance of Motivation for Students”.
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